Love Letter #8

Back to reality
Doesn't this time always feel like the beginning of a new school year? So many exciting things are coming your way, a feeling of unknownness is in the air. At AT, there's already a lot going on and we are thrilled for this upcoming "school year". And as 2020 has shown us so far, anything can and most likely will happen. Also, a big welcome to our new subscribers! Enjoy the ride.
01 Another Tomorrow Academy x Berghs  
In a world turned upside down by Corona, many of the future experiences of work and leisure are uncertain, however online collaboration is here to stay. Another Tomorrow Academy has kicked off Prototyping Futures at Berghs School of Communication. This 10 session course is all about different ideation methodologies and approaches within Service Design as well as Speculative Design. It allows students to explore key remote collaboration tools for prototyping: from ideation to the collaborative creation of concrete digital artefacts — a podcast, 3D objects and application wireframes. The course is directed by Joe Coppard and run with members of the AT team as well as other industry leaders.

The same course will soon be offered outside of Berghs so stay tuned and e-mail Joe if you'd like to know more!  
02 We have a new project with CinemAfrica, a very important one. Why? 59% of employees in big Swedish tech companies who have been discriminated against in the workplace say it’s because of the colour of their skin, their language or nationality.* 

We as individuals and organisations need to take a stand against racism in Sweden — we need to act. How can we create workplaces for every individual? A place where they belong and where they're being asked to stay and grow, regardless of their skin colour — and touching upon every level in an organisation. Together with CinemAfrica, we are starting the initiative The Anti-Racist Workplace to combat racism in the Swedish tech industry. On October 16th, we're hosting a digital workshop to ideate and co-create around the future anti-racist workplace.
Interested in knowing more? Or want to join? E-mail Linnéa and she'll tell you more about it! Also, check out the film festival running from Oct 1st - 14th.
*Tech lever grabbmyten, Allbright, May 2020 
(images via CinemAfrica)

03 A selection of reads - handpicked by our team
> "För att överleva måste vi agera utifrån det vi vet idag och bygga prototyper baserat på vad vi tror kommer att påverka oss i framtiden. För nu vet vi att det går fort och kriserna avlöser varandra." - Our CEO Staffan Ekholm on how to tackle challenges with the help of prototyping. Find it here. 

> "De vittnar om rasismen i Sverige som många inte vill se" — Dagens Nyheter interviewed six Afroswedes about their experience with racism in Sweden. Watch the video here. 

> “Implicit in ‘rehearsing the future’ is ‘whose future are we rehearsing?’. “Listening to the people whose problems we are attempting to address is critical,” says Lentz. “Nobody should be designing someone else’s future without involving them in the conversation.” Google speculative design teams discuss how they're rehearsing for what's next. Read here.

04 We'd like to know... 
Why are you here? What do you want to know more of? The team, prototyping? Anything you want less of? Help us improve and answer this 1-minute survey. 

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Team Another Tomorrow

Another Tomorrow is a futures agency that helps organisations thrive in an uncertain world. We create a better future by systemising the exploration of the unknown. We bring perspectives together, facilitate change, and prototype what lies ahead.


Love Letter #9


Love Letter #7