Love Letter #7

Is it summer yet?  
Hello friends! We hope you're all well and keep hanging in there. Today we'll tell you more about a project on the Future of Culture that we've been working on. We've also got some interesting reads on prototyping by one of our own team members, some "quarantine language" to learn as well as another educating article on the Black Lives Matter movement. Ending it all with a must-watch as well as some news on our dispatch! Happy reading! 
01 New Normal—s
We have recently joined forces with member's club Alma, along with several other partners, for a speculative design project. Part of the project is the new platform New Normal—s which opens up for co-creation and collaboration with different parts of society. The current focus is to explore the future of spaces and how they can and should be used in a Corona and post-Corona world. In a first workshop we explored how cultural experiences can be accessed and consumed in the future. After summer, we will start prototyping these ideas with Alma's park being the playground for the experiment. Want to know more? Or even interested in collaborating? Reach out! 
A few impressions from the Speculative Design Workshop

02 A selection of reads - handpicked by our team
> Racism is terrible. Blackness is not. By Imani Perry for The Atlantic. Read here.

> Our Communication Manager Linnéa wrote an article on how we as a team prototyped a new work life and adapted to the new normal. Read here. 

> “How do you make the content of your class seem relevant during a global pandemic? Why should we be talking about museums when we have more urgent issues to fry?” — How Architecture Could Help Us Adapt to the Pandemic by Kim Tingley for NYT. Find it here. 

> Zoom fatigue, Quarantini and sanny — The rules of coronaspeak. Learn them all here. 

03 Watch
There is no such thing as being "not racist," says author and historian Ibram X. Kendi. In this vital conversation, he defines the transformative concept of antiracism to help us more clearly recognize, take responsibility for and reject prejudices in our public policies, workplaces and personal beliefs. Watch it here.
04 Listen

> Another Tomorrow Dispatch We have finally put our dispatch on Spotify and Apple Podcasts (with more platforms coming soon). 

In the last two weeks, both our CMO, Jasper Nordling and our CEO, Staffan Ekholm have recorded educational and inspirational dispatches. Jasper presents a new perspective on prototyping and brand stretching that can be used to figure out what's next and shares his view on how brands should act in radically uncertain times. Find it here.

Staffan asks himself and us, how we as a society tackle major challenges. And why do we act and respond differently to a change that happens right in front of us compared to one that must happen but where the effects of it lie in the future? Listen to it here. 

We're going on a little summer break for now and will be back mid-August. Enjoy your summer holiday!

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!

/ Team Another Tomorrow

Another Tomorrow is a futures agency that helps organisations thrive in an uncertain world. We help organisations navigate and create a better future by systemising the exploration of the unknown. We bring perspectives together, facilitate change, and prototype what lies ahead.


Love Letter #8


New Normal—s