Love Letter #29

Hello friend, 

Stockholm has been delivering some sunny and crisp early Autumn days - what is it like where you live? Today we'll share some updates from our partnership with friends and neighbours Hyper Island. Scroll down to the end to find some interesting finds from the www, one of them being a new climate activism campaign we've been discussing. Enjoy!
01 Some news from us & Hyper Island
As many of you know, Another Tomorrow has an on-going collaboration with our friends (& neighbours) Hyper Island. Today we'd like to share some news on a project we've been working on together, and give them a shoutout for being awesome collaborators and bringing us on board
Strengthening innovation and building culture with Hyper Island for Accenture Interactive
Encouraging Bottom-Up Innovation & Building Culture
In June we got asked to work on a project with Accenture Interactive consisting of 18.000 employees globally. The challenge? Highlighting people and their expertise, encouraging them to share ideas and innovations to not only strengthen the organisation's innovation culture but also bring them closer together, and therefore build an even more resilient company culture

Building culture is of course not something that happens overnight but there are ways to accelerate it: showing employees that they're being seen and heard, their efforts matter, they matter. 

Our approach? To accelerate innovation and empower people, we've established three key pillars. A monthly newsletter, a monthly call following the release of the newsletter, and the establishment of a community on MSTeams — with the focus on a selected topic each month. All three have an important function within this structure as they're focusing on different key elements. The newsletter aims to showcase people and their stories, passion projects and experience in relation to the topic, whereas the community is a two-way-communication tool curated by the members themselves. The call is the final deep-dive into the topic (before moving on to the next cycle) and introduces external people to inspire the community. Together, they build the grounds for bottom-up innovation.
The selected topics are based on Interactive's Innovation Radar developed by their in-house Research & Development team and have so far focused on the Metaverse, Sustainable Humans and Innovation in Health
02 Curated by Another Tomorrow
> "The report also found that escape from human-caused climate change is no longer possible. Climate change is now affecting every continent, region and ocean on Earth and every facet of the weather" — Six main take-aways from the IPCC report

> IKEA will soon start selling affordable and certified wind and solar energy called STRÖMMA. Learn more here

> Karma, a Sweden-based start-up helping users to buy surplus food for a discounted price, have recently released a new campaign with the name Radical Slacktivism, calling it the least ambitious climate movement. At Another Tomorrow, we've had a lot of discussions on how to turn society's inability to act into collective action without creating a doomsday scenario. Karma might be onto something here but we'd love to hear what you think about it. Does this campaign speak to you? What do you like about it? Or did they miss the target in your opinion? Drop us a line 

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Linnéa & Team Another Tomorrow

Another Tomorrow helps organisations thrive in an uncertain world. Our mission is to create a better tomorrow through navigating the unknown together with our clients. Always with a prototyping mindset and proven processes that create impact and real change within the organisations we work with. 


Love Letter #30


Love Letter #28