Love Letter #28


Today we're deep-diving into a client project with a big Stockholm-based education organisation who we worked with throughout Spring and beginning of Summer. Learn more about the challenge, how we ran this 100% digitally, and the key success factors for a project like this.
01 Building A Tailored Interface For Cedergrenska Education 
Another Tomorrow has had the pleasure to work with Cedergrenska Education, an organisation consisting of 5500 students, 400 employees and 36 school units. Through the organic and substantial growth, they’ve experienced growing pains and needed to find new ways to future-proof themselves, to work agile and be efficient in order to remain true to their model of being educator-centric. The short term solution pointed in the direction of optimising internal communication through systemising technical and maintenance support. Long term the goal was to enable strategic planning based on real data

Together with Cedergrenska, AT has facilitated and produced a tailored communication interface between support staff and the rest of the organisation at Cedergrenska, enabling smoother work flows, increased customer satisfaction and internal brand recognition. Let's get into it! 
Another Tomorrow's SLING Process applied to Cedergrenska's challenge
Another Tomorrow's Approach - Navigating the Unknown

To gather insights, needs, ideas, and solutions, we applied our SLING process, kicking it off with a two-day-sprint together with management, support functions such as IT and service/maintenance, school leaders and educators. Using our SLING process enabled us to have prototypes at the end of the sprint that we iterated until we had a solution that met the core needs. 
The Experience Canvas was used during the Sprint to further develop the solutions
Design and Development

Once we had a well anchored solution with key stakeholders, we conducted a solid price performance analysis of appropriate systems and decided on the global service desk provider Freshdesk. The flexibility it gave us to build and design upon the existing structure was a main factor to meet the 12 core needs of our client. We then started to develop more functions and implement our design to the cloud based service desk system. 
Naja Is Born

The collaborative process between Cedergrenska Utbildning and Another Tomorrow lasted less than six months from start to finish — consisting of prototyping, iterating, designing, developing, configuring and testing the solution that is now being piloted. This means that at this moment teachers are reporting issues, communicating with the support functions and getting their problems fixed whilst getting real-time updates on their preferred devices. The solution was named Naja inspired by one of the members of the Cedergrenska family, who originally built the Cedergrenska Tower, now headquarters for Cedergrenska Utbildning. 
The login page of Naja 
Ways of Working

With this project being 100% digital from start to finish, we used a variety of tools and methods to manage and work in the project such as Miro, Trello, Project Canvas, Gantt, Experience Canvas, Zeplin, Invisionapp, HTML writing,  CSS and Liquid in Freshdesk’s Interface, Azure and more. In addition, we worked according to Agile project management processes including Scrum meetings, interviews, personas, use cases, a so-called Tonality Workshop, collective learning sessions and a tight and close dialogue throughout the project.

Key Success Factor

If we were to single out one Key Success Factor in this project, it would be client commitment paired with a sponsor who has the mandate to make quick decisions and who is intuitive about the importance of including the relevant perspectives in the change process from start to end.
A sneak-peek into all the stops throughout the project
What next?

As we speak, Naja is coming live and getting ready to be launched across all school units. Going forward Cedergrenska Utbildning aims to secure engagement by making the perspectives, that participated in the SLING design process, to Naja ambassadors. Their responsibilities are creating awareness of what Naja is about and communicating the aim to improve working processes and procedures. The ambassadors are also helping the support agents to get on track and nudge teachers and other staff to start using it properly and provide feedback, with the goals to improve and scale Naja over time.

Would you like to know more? Reach out to Project Manager Ulrika
02 Thank you!
We'd like to take this moment to thank you for being part of this journey, and for giving us constructive feedback, improving this newsletter issue by issue. We are superbly excited about what's to come, especially everything related to our partnership with Sustainio. Stay tuned to learn more about how we can use our collective power to make a powerful and positive impact!

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Linnéa & Team Another Tomorrow


Love Letter #29


Love Letter #27