Love Letter #30

Hej friend, 

This is love letter number 30 sent out on September 30th - does that mean something? Today we're talking about the upcoming Climate Summit in Glasgow, and we want to hear what you'd like to know about it! Plus a few exciting things we found on the internet in the past couple of weeks. Love Letter #30 here we go!
01 Calling All Climate Committed
The 26th Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow is coming closer and with it only being about one month away, we need your help. Together with our partners and sustainability experts Åsa von Ekensteen and Sverker Jagers, we are going to deep-dive into the Climate Change Conference and let them answer all the questions you might have about it. Åsa and Sverker are not just some of Europe's leading climate researchers but are regular advisors to the UN and governments across the globe. They will be traveling to Glasgow to attend the summit and report back on everything going on over there. Topics and questions we will touch upon are the following: What can one expect from the conference? What's the experience like? Is it actually impactful, and if so, why (or why not)? — But most importantly, what would you like to know?

Here you can read up on this year's climate goals. 

Reach out to us and send us all the questions you might have. We won't reveal too much about the actual format for the answers yet but stay tuned.

Learn more about our partnership here and if you'd like to hear more about our partnership, Joe is happy to speak to you!
02 Curated by Another Tomorrow
> In addition to the IPCC Report there is now an Interactive Atlas showing our possible climate futures depending on the rising global warming levels. 

> What if we get things right? Visions for 2030"Here is one version of CO-topia: you walk out of your door in the morning into a green and liveable city. You can choose to call upon a car. An algorithm has calculated the smartest route for the vehicle, and it picks up a few other people on the way. Since the city council has banned private cars in the city, tons of new mobility services have arrived."

> How to start a movement explained by Derek Sivers and an example that - we dare to say - will make you smile today. Watch the 3-minute-clip here.

> And don't forget our Spotify playlist — we keep adding new podcast episodes regularly!

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Linnéa & Team Another Tomorrow

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Love Letter #31


Love Letter #29