Love Letter #25

We hope the sun is shining wherever you are! Today we can finally share the final prototype we got to develop for Kia with the aim to foster children's creativity and make it as important as literacy in their education. Happy reading!
The Hackathon Highlights
01 The Curious Question Cards 
In love letter #24, we got to reveal the work we did together with our friends at Hyper Island for Kia. Another Tomorrow not only designed and facilitated the online hackathon but were asked to prototype and test the outcome from it, and we are finally able to share the idea that will be scaled up in Autumn! 

Our team, mainly consisting of Joe and Daniele, designed The Curious Question Cards, a set of cards that unleash children's creativity through teaching them how to ask questions instead of knowing all the answers. By selecting different cards unusual connections are made, inspiring kids to ask new questions, setting no limits to their imagination. Watch the prototype video below!

Download the Curious Question Cards here and try them out! 

Learn more about the project on Kia Inspiration Lab and if you have any questions, reach out to Joe
Prototyping the Future of Creativity
02 Updated:
In the past months, we've done some changes and improvements to our website and would love for you to check it out. As it's still a WIP, we haven't shouted it from the rooftops but thought that our love letter crew should be the first ones to take a look. 
We're especially proud of the feedback we've collected from some of our clients and want to thank them for the trust throughout these past years. If there's anything you can't find on the website, feel free to drop us an e-mail and let us know! 
03 AT Recommendations
> Omnibility
Learn more about accessibility and how to make your brand or products accessible for everyone. TrendWatching has put together a read that looks into examples of accessible products, why we should all act now, and what comes next. Find it here.

> Having The Right to Vote At Age 16
Our friends at Youth 2030 have started a new initiative together with other Swedish youth organisations, working towards lowering the official voting age to 16 (at the moment it's 18 here in Sweden). Watch Frank at Nyhetsmorgon talking about why this is relevant and why we need this power shift. 

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Linnéa & team Another Tomorrow

Another Tomorrow helps organisations thrive in an uncertain world. Our mission is to create a better tomorrow through navigating the unknown together with our clients. Always with a prototyping mindset and proven processes that create impact and real change within the organisations we work with. 

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Love Letter #26


Love Letter #24