Love Letter #24

Why is creativity as important as literacy? What does innovation really mean? Together with Hyper Island we've been working on some very exciting things in the past months and can finally tell you more about it! And yes, innovation and creativity play a big part in it. 
01 Kia Inspiration Lab
Kia Inspiration Lab
"Picasso once said this, he said that all children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up. I believe this passionately, that we don't grow into creativity, we grow out of it. Or rather, we get educated out of it."
— Sir Ken Robinson
Did you know that adults are 96% less creative than children?* That's why Kia has taken on the challenge to foster creativity in children's learning, wanting to make it as important as literacy education. We couldn't be more excited about having worked with the Kia Inspiration Lab, exploring how to foster creativity in children's learning. If there's something our hearts beat faster for it's education and creativity! 

So what did we do? In the end of April, Kia gathered thinkers, creators and educators in a remote hackathon to find ways to make sure that creativity will flourish in the minds of future generations. We not only designed and facilitated the hack together with our friends at Hyper Island, but our Creative Technologist Daniele was invited to participate as an expert challenger together with an amazing lineup of international stars, including Sci Fi Artist Lucy McRae, quantum physicist and ballerina Dr Merritt Moore, and education legend Lord Jim Knight

The challenge that the teams tackled was: How can we instigate change in society so that creativity is recognised to be as important as literacy in young people's learning? 

Save the Date! On June 1st the results of the Hackathon will be presented and you'll get the chance to explore the Kia EV6. 

Learn more on and make sure to look out for Joe and Daniele on the website! Also keep your eyes on our Instagram where we'll be releasing more about this project very soon... 

*Information via Kia and learn more about it here.
02 Innovation Across Borders
Creative Director Joe is running the course Creating Innovation together with Anna Hagensgård at Hyper Island. We took the opportunity to ask him about the course and find out what innovation means to Joe.
(Also find out more about the next available dates further down)
Images via Another Tomorrow/Hyper Island
Tell us, who is this course for? 
– It’s for people who are interested in or already working with innovation and want to upskill. The amazing thing about the course we’re running right now is that we have people from all around the world — Russia, Peru, India and Germany to name a few. 

What is it about? 
– Each week we focus on a different area with regards to innovation. Students bring an opportunity - connected to their job or an area of interest - that they want to innovate around and use that as a base for applying their learnings. They also get access to a learning kit filled with references, videos, activities and material. We then help them to practice that theory, both on their own and collaboratively. It’s an experience-based learning journey. 

At the end of the course, students will have a really strong understanding of what innovation is today. They should be able to apply the approaches, practical tools and activities to their job situation. 

What is innovation to you? 
– Innovation is mastering the art of enabling creativity despite uncertainty. 

How do you best implement an innovation mindset within companies? 
– You need to start and end with curiosity, that should be the constant. Then there's the leadership component, meaning that key leaders should be driving innovation and encouraging others to be part of it. When you’ve done that, you turn it into a habit and adapt it to the working reality of the organisation. It has to be tailored and iterated, and baked into it in a natural way. 

Find out more about the 4-week course here (next available dates are in September) and reach out to Joe if you want to know more.
03 AT Recommendations
> Nothing is truly sustainable
We came across this interview (in Swedish) with Coop's Head of Sustainability Charlotta Szczepanowski last week talking about (you guessed it) sustainability. What stuck out is how Charlotta is very open and direct about the fact that nothing we do is truly sustainable or environmentally friendly. It's rather about how big the impact of our products, actions and production chains are and how to minimise it. 

> Best Practices: Hybrid Work 
As some countries are slowly opening up again and the chances of many of us going back to the office are increasing, NOBL has put together a list of articles on hybrid work. Very useful so make sure to check it out.

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Linnéa & team Another Tomorrow

Another Tomorrow helps organisations thrive in an uncertain world. Our mission is to create a better tomorrow through navigating the unknown together with our clients. Always with a prototyping mindset and proven processes that create impact and real change within the organisations we work with. 

Make sure your friends sign up to the love letter. 

Love Letter #25


Love Letter #23