Love Letter #23

Love letter coming one day early this week as a long weekend is coming up, bliss! Today's edition is a mix of awesome initiatives, programming for kids, Sir David Attenborough, and candles that smell like the office. Simply put, a little bit of goodness to start your long weekend!
01 Patagonia: We The Power
We The Power, a film by Patagonia
Our friends at Patagonia recently launched a new campaign highlighting clean energy initiatives by local communities all over Europe, documenting their efforts in a 40-minute film and spreading the word through a big campaign:

Imagine upending the traditional energy system and giving the power of clean electricity production back to your neighbors. We the Power follows friends, families and visionaries as they break down legislative barriers and take power back from big energy companies to put in the hands of locals. The film chronicles local cooperatives from deep within Germany’s Black Forest to the streets of ancient Girona in Spain and the urban rooftops of London, England, as they pave the way for a renewable-energy revolution and build healthier, more financially stable communities."

Learn more about the campaign here and watch the film here.
02 Nintendo: Game Builder Garage
Image via Nintendo
All parents out there, listen up! Nintendo is about to release a node-based programming tool for kids, enabling them to build their own video games. Through step-by-step lessons created by the minds at Nintendo, children will learn the basics of game design and visual programming, making it possible to bring their ideas to life. Watch the announcement trailer here and pre-order your kit here.
03 AT Recommendations
> Meditate one year for free
We're sure you've heard about the benefits of meditation. But still, it's hard to find the time to sit down for a few minutes and do... nothing. Communications Manager Linnéa is giving it another try, meditating for 15-20 minutes each day with the help of Balance (she's on day 11, whoop). Interested in giving it a try? With this referral code you'll get one year for free! So, what's stopping you

> Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet
A new documentary coming this Summer, narrated by the one and only Sir David Attenborough and picturing Johan Rockström, Swedish scientist on global sustainability issues. The key message is that we still have time. We are an endlessly innovative species. Cooperation is our superpower. And we are beginning to see signs that major change is coming. The science is clear on what humanity needs to do. There are three priorities: cut greenhouse gases to zero, protect the wetlands, soils, forests and oceans that absorb our impacts, and change our diets and the way we farm food. This is the mission. And everyone benefits. We will live in a cleaner, healthier and more peaceful world. Learn more about it here and mark your calendars.

> Candles that smell like the office — say what? 
Remember when we shared the website Sound of Colleagues? Well, for the ones really, really missing the office, we've got something else. How about lighting a candle smelling like a 96-page deck left on the printer? Or an energising blend of your 3:30 PM latte with a hint of brown sugar from the sold out muffin case? Yeah, we're not too sold on it either but if you don't know what to get your colleagues next time, here's the link

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Linnéa & team Another Tomorrow

Another Tomorrow helps organisations thrive in an uncertain world. Our mission is to create a better tomorrow through navigating the unknown together with our clients. Always with a prototyping mindset and proven processes that create impact and real change within the organisations we work with. 

Make sure your friends sign up to the love letter! 

Love Letter #24


Love Letter #22