Love Letter #22


How do you run a remote workshop with most of your participants only having access to a smartphone and no laptop? Our dev team has the answers. Plus a tarot card game to build connection amongst your teams remotely. Happy reading! 
01 PostNord Workshop: Evaluation and User Research
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Another Tomorrow has had the pleasure to work with PostNord Sweden for about three years now. What started with a Design Sprint turned into a digital solution: a data-driven dashboard showing customer KPIs on a daily basis in order to improve customer experience. Last year, the solution was implemented across the whole country and has since then been iterated and improved in order to meet the employees expectations and needs. 

In order to find out whether it still does meet the needs, the dev team ran a pilot workshop together with employees from a production unit close to Stockholm. As a next step in this process, the workshop will be held across other units in the country in order to get a better understanding nationwide. But why is it of importance to keep iterating a solution that already works? Cecilia and Daniele, Creative Technologists at Another Tomorrow, are here to tell us more. 
What is the aim of the workshop? 
"We have two clear ambitions: the first one is to evaluate the data-driven dashboard, how it’s being used, what the employees like about it and what they’re lacking. The second goal is user research, we want to get to know our users even better."

Tell us more about the setup of the workshop. It must be tough to have an online workshop with participants who are not working from home with their own laptop. 
"That’s true. The managers have stationary computers and the drivers only have their phones to use. We would’ve liked to use Miro for the entire workshop but that was not an option as it's rather difficult to use Miro on your phone and writing post-it notes with it. We did part of the workshop in Miro, letting facilitators take notes while the participants were discussing different ideas, and for the rest of it we used Menti. This enabled the participants to use their phones and submit ideas and answers to different questions directly in Menti. As we intend to roll out the workshop across all units in Sweden, the setup needs to be scaleable going forward." 
Starting the workshop with an Icebreaker exercise in Menti.
The workshop setup in Miro.
Anything that surprised you? 
"It was an eye-opener to understand that the teams are not able to have morning meetings at the moment which they used to do on a daily basis before the restrictions were tightened. This also has an impact on how they use the dashboard." 

What was your biggest personal learning? 
Daniele: "Jag förstår mer svenska!"
Cecilia: "We really learned the benefits of using Menti and not just relying on Miro."

Why is it important to do these workshops? 
"We need to gather the feedback from all of PostNord's production units in order to improve the solution on a general level but also take individual needs and requests into consideration and ideally solve them."
"Thanks to our wonderful and engaged employees, this is an amazing project to work with. The result and impact show that instant feedback to our teams and guidance through situational leadership increases overall quality and customer satisfaction", Susanne Lindfeldt, Strategic Project Lead, Customer Experience, PostNord Sverige
Want to know more about our work with PostNord? Reach out to Staffan, he loves to talk about this! 
02 Inspiration
> Design for belonging: Connection through the power of human stories and play

Enlightened ways of working require new ways of understanding how we connect. Our workplaces of the future must not only provide for the productivity needs of distributed teams, but must also help people create and grow workspace relationships and foster an environment in which they feel like they belong. Check out this set of cards to build connection through stories and play. Corporate Tarot Cards via Dropbox, find them here. 

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Team Another Tomorrow

Another Tomorrow helps organisations thrive in an uncertain world. Our mission is to create a better tomorrow through navigating the unknown together with our clients. Always with a prototyping mindset and proven processes that create impact and real change within the organisations we work with. 

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Love Letter #23


Love Letter #21