Love Letter #21


We've got some news that we're very excited to share with you! Another Tomorrow is proud to announce a bold new client we're working with and we've partnered up with our neighbours at Hyper Island to deliver a bunch of exciting projects together. To feed your curiosity, we've put together a collection of great reads and something to listen to this weekend.
01 New Client Alert
Image source
Another Tomorrow is happy to announce that we'll be working with Cedergrenska, an education organisation with 11 schools in the North of Stockholm, ranging from pre-school to postgraduate. The goal is to develop a digital solution that will make it easier for teachers and school leaders to get in touch with supporting staff, get problems fixed easier, access information faster and have a more efficient and fun way to communicate across the whole organisation and its different buildings. Stay tuned!
02 Collaborating With Our Friends at Hyper Island

Over the past few months Another Tomorrow and Hyper Island have been collaborating intensively on prototypes, hackathons, courses and visions for companies and students across the globe. A summary of all the fun projects we've had the pleasure to work on: 

> Together with Johanna Nordin, Learning Developer, UX Designer and Facilitator at Hyper Island, we designed and delivered an Inspiration Day for Avo Consulting and their entire 80+ team, involving students from Hyper Island and focusing on the overall experience. (A few impressions from the workshop to the left)

> Anna Hagensgård, Business Developer at Hyper Island, reached out to Joe to design and deliver Creating Innovation, an online course over four weeks focusing on, well, creating innovation. Good news for anyone looking to improve their innovation skills, the next cohort is kicking off in May — sign up here

> Last but not least, together with Johan Eriksson, Learning Developer at Hyper Island, we're designing a hackathon for a big car company (hint: they just did a massive rebranding), with the aim to innovate creative education for 11 to 13 year olds. It's kicking off next week so keep your eyes peeled for the launch! 

We really can't wait to hang out in our amazing waterside offices again, fire up the rooftop BBQ to celebrate this great partnership. And we hope that you can join us!

03 Inspiration
> Beyond Human-Centered Design 

Back in December, we held another Tomorrow Club on the topic of 'Who designs today's systems that shape our tomorrow?' and talked about how to make sure we don't only design for humans but also the planet. Space10 has written about their new approach "For decades now, designers have been taught to consider human needs in their work — only human needs. But design that is good only for people, without looking at the well-being of our planet as a whole, has gotten us into trouble." Read more here. 

> Making Great Stories Accessible — Design Better Podcast

Steve Johnson, VP Design, and Rochelle King, VP Creative Production at Netflix talk about how they approach inclusive design for a global audience, how they use a data-informed rather than a data-driven product strategy, and why looking for passion rather than for credentials might be the key to find the right people. Listen here.

> Doughnut Economics Author Kate Raworth On the Century of Nature's Metrics

Those of you who know us well, know how often we quote Kate Raworth, the creator of Doughnut Economics. Yancey Strickler from The Ideaspace invited Kate to her podcast talk about the Dougnut's origins, the power of visual language, and why this is the century of natural data. Listen here.

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Team Another Tomorrow


Love Letter #22


Love Letter #20