Love Letter #11


As always, we hope you're well! With November having just begun and many of us working from home, we've filled this newsletter with a lot of yellow couch content and an interview with our Business Design team on how your organisation can start using speculative design in order to secure your business. We've also got five questions with the newest addition to AT, a video on how to use the digital whiteboard tool Miro and a report on the new era of remote work. Happy reading! 
01 Speculative design can be crucial to the future of your business
As a futures agency, we are experts in helping companies when the status quo is being challenged and new needs and behaviours are being formed from one day to the next. No one knows exactly what the future will look like but through systemising the exploration of the unknown and working with proven effective methods such as speculative design and prototyping, you can remain relevant and future-proof your business. 

Read the interview with Another Tomorrow's Business Design team Karin Wåhlberg & Annie Johnson for Svenska Dagbladets Innovation insert to learn more about these methods and how to use them. Find the whole interview here (in Swedish).
02 Meet UX Designer Tian
Another Tomorrow is happy to welcome Tian Gan who's joining us for her 6-month internship within her course Digital Media Creative at Hyper Island. We sat down on our yellow couch to get to know her better.

Tell us about yourself. I'm a graphic designer turned UX designer who enjoys creating as well as understanding. I moved from my hometown, Chongqing, China to Stockholm about 10 years ago and spent the past few years running my own design business. Apart from design, I love cooking, mechanical keyboards and organising home storage spaces while listening to audio books. 
What projects are you most proud of? I really enjoyed my last Hyper project where my team helped SAP design and prototype a product feature that measures knowledge gaps and recommends personalised learning content to users. I was the project manager and led the UX work. It was both challenging and rewarding to work with a big corporation with its own set of rules and way of communication. A personal project I'm most proud of is the DIY stamp-maker's kit I designed and sent to customers all over the world. Seeing people's creations on social media was such a wholesome experience. 

What are your expectations for your upcoming journey at AT? I chose AT because it's not just a product company — instead, it has a diverse portfolio and client projects; I would love to gain a holistic view of the industry so I can make an informed decision about the direction I want to take next. I am most excited about working with different clusters of colleagues and soaking up a little bit of everyone's knowledge and gain experience like a sponge!

What's the biggest learning you've made so far in your professional life? That it's not always a bad thing to compare yourself with others. Of course, there are many reasons why you shouldn't, but I believe that since a lot of us in the industry are working constantly in teams, thinking about oneself in relation to others could potentially give one new goals, role models, and opportunities for self reflection. 

Your signature dish? Whatever I find in the fridge, with lots of chillies and Sichuan pepper (not very smoke-alarm friendly). 

Want to say hi or have some more questions? Send Tian an e-mail! 
03 How To Become A Boss In Miro
Since March, we've been improving our online workshop skills and one tool that we keep coming back to is Miro! It's intuitive, it's easy and so far, we've used it in all online workshops with clients as well as internally. Here's a quick reminder of a a guide we put together back in March on how to get started with the digital whiteboard tool Miro.
04 A selection of reads
> "A majority, 96%, of the employees would like to continue to work remotely more or less. But from the employer side as many as 71% do not want their employees to work remotely in the future." Our friends at The Remote Lab have released a report on the way our attitude in the new era of remote work has changed. Find it here.

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Team Another Tomorrow


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Love Letter #10