Tomorrow Club #3: Future of Movement

Due to the pandemic, Tomorrow Club shifted to a digital format and tackled the big question of what the future of travel and hospitality will look like. This time we had a global panel with us consisting of no others than Clara Larsson, PR & Social Media Manager at Apollo, Jasmin Bren, Brand Strategist (prev. Design Hotels & Rosewood Hotels), Philipp Hieslmair, Passenger Experience Designer at Lufthansa Group, and Tomas Andersson, Manager Corporate Communications & Digital Development at Visit Stockholm.

Some of the insights we took with us were that many companies are already now are working with different future scenarios in order to be prepared for both crises like this one and for what's coming next.
Collaboration and the acceptance that things will change (and already have) are vital for companies in order to get through this. When it comes to the future of hospitality, it will be even more purpose-driven. The future traveller is looking for something unique and even custom-made holidays will most likely be on the map. Business travel will potentially decrease. The flying experience itself will become even more seamless and frequent flyers might be looking for some privacy throughout this experience as hygiene will play a bigger role. This ties into the change we will see when it comes to luxury as parameters such as hygiene as well as safety and social distancing will play a bigger role.

For a more thorough summary, download the report below.


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Love Letter #4


Love Letter #3