Love Letter #3

Welcome to the third edition of the love letter
Hello fellow humans and a big welcome to everyone who has recently signed up! This time we have some in-house news to share with you, some interesting reads regarding Sweden's Covid-19 strategy & speculative design and we have put together a video on how to become a boss in Miro. For the ones who like listening to podcasts, there's some exciting stuff further down. Enjoy! 
A short video from Tomorrow Club #2 when hugging was still a thing. 
01 Tomorrow Club & AT Academy
Tomorrow Club has been MIA for a while now. Why? Well, we probably don't need to explain. To us it's very important to cater to our network's needs, no matter if it's this newsletter, on social media, events or the academy. We have therefore put together a survey in order to get a better understanding of what you're looking for in this jungle of content and online events. We want to create experiences and courses that are worth signing up for so if you have a few spare minutes, we would really (REALLY) appreciate you helping us. Find the survey here.

And we are in the midst of planning the next remote Tomorrow Club - so stay tuned!

02 A selection of reads - handpicked by our team
> We've been deep-diving into the matter of speculative design and are sending interesting references back and forth on Slack. Here's an interesting conversation with futurist Stuart Candy on how to make futures tangible without knowing anything about them. Read here. 

> 'Life Has To Go On' - Sweden has been one of the only countries without a lockdown. Many have criticised it. The New York Times has published quite an interesting article on it and is rather neutral in its opinion. Read here.  

> Emerge is an independent, non-profit media platform sowing the seeds of a new civilisation. An abundance of content to read, listen and watch. Check it out here. 

03 Watch
> How To Become A Boss in Miro
All these new digital tools can feel confusing at first. There's Zoom, Loom, Google Hangout, Mural, Teams and and and. We've grown very fond of Miro and our Experience Design Intern Carina has put together a short tutorial (straight from Singapore) with some very helpful tricks for designing your next workshop. Click on the video!

BIG NEWS: We've started our own YouTube channel so make sure to give us a follow and be prepared for some fun and informative videos!

04 Listen
> Another Tomorrow Dispatch #4 Business Designer and Learning Expert Ulrika took the mic, guiding us through the Kübler-Ross change curve and how it can be applied to the current crisis. Listen to it here. 

> Another Tomorrow Dispatch #5 Linnéa, Another Tomorrow's Communication Manager shared one very simple tool in last week's dispatch. A tool to help us overcome even the most stressful situations and takes us back to the present. Listen to it here.

> TED Talk Daily 'How to shift your mindset and choose your future'. Tom Rivett-Carnac teaches us the art of "stubborn optimism" and how we should adopt this mindset to confront any crisis and sustain the action needed to build a generative future. Watch here or listen to it on Spotify

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Team Another Tomorrow

Another Tomorrow is a futures agency that helps organisations thrive in an uncertain world. We help organisations navigate and create a better future by systemising the exploration of the unknown. We bring perspectives together, facilitate change, and prototype what lies ahead.


Tomorrow Club #3: Future of Movement


Love Letter #2