💚 Mapping organisations’ transition-capability

Whilst some of our team are in Copenhagen for a client event, the rest of us are working from home due to the crazy amounts of snow in Stockholm. Today, we are beyond ourselves as we are soft launching our new tool that maps out organisations' capability to transition to net zero (and you have the chance to test it for free). Plus, a report on how integrity matters when it comes to net-zero commitments. Let's get to it, shall we? 
Net zero

Overcoming corporate climate inertia

"Climate data continues to accelerate in the wrong direction" — that's how our climate research partner Sverker Jagers kicked off our joint talk at the Sustainable Business conference last Wednesday focusing on how organisations can go from inertia to action and accelerate their net-zero transition. Much of Sverker's research focuses on Collective Action and its integral role in overcoming corporate climate inaction with two forces promoting it:

1. External pressure such as policies and legislation, customer demand and investor requirements.
2. The will and ability to align and cooperate, in and between corporations with a focus on cognitive awareness, trust, communication, direction, skills, tools, accountability and commitment.

Sverker was also recently appointed Zennström professor for 2022/23 in Climate Change Leadership at the University of Uppsala and held his inaugural lecture just a few days ago. Keep an eye on their blog to re-watch it. 

Mapping organisations transtion-capability

At the event, our CEO Staffan Ekholm finally introduced Another Tomorrow's latest tool: TransitionView — a survey-based tool which maps out the transition-capability of organisations. Developed together with leading climate scientists Sverker Jagers and Åsa Löfgren, building on decades of research in collective action, it uncovers often overlooked areas where targeted action can unlock progress on net-zero commitments

“If we reduce climate action to carbon accounting, companies will never reach climate goals nor adapt to the green economy. We urgently need to systematically track and improve factors like willingness, readiness and openness if we are to speed up action – that is why we created TransitionView,” says Staffan. 

For our loyal readers, we have a little surprise 
Try TransitionView here. Also, you can access a more comprehensive dashboard for your organisation for free for a limited time — reach out to us to unlock this special deal. 
UN Report

Integrity Matters

“We urgently need every business, investor, city, state and region to walk the talk on their net-zero promises. We cannot afford slow movers, fake movers or any form of greenwashing.” – AntĂłnio Guterres, UN Secretary General 

In this latest report titled ‘Integrity Matters’ by the UN, an Expert Group presented their findings on non-state actors’ net-zero commitments. Such non-state actors include businesses, financial institutions, cities and regions, and play a crucial role in achieving net zero by 2050. Concerns have been raised by citizens, consumers, environmentalists and investors around the use of net-zero pledges that allow for greenwashing.

With numerous concerns surrounding greenwashing, this report highlights that non-state actors need to follow strict definitions of ‘net zero’ and publicly disclose their progress with verified information that can be compared with peers. It also provides recommendations to address greenwashing. 

For example, it clarifies that “Non‐state actors cannot claim to be net zero while continuing to build or invest in new fossil fuel supply. Coal, oil and gas account for over 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Net zero is entirely incompatible with continued investment in fossil fuels. Similarly, deforestation and other environmentally destructive activities are disqualifying.” In addition, the report calls for regulation starting with large corporate emitters “including assurance on their net-zero pledges and mandatory annual progress reporting.”

Read the full report here

Stay safe and stay curious!
/ Linnéa & Team Another Tomorrow


COP27: Combatting slow movers and greenwashing


💚 Corporate climate inertia and a gigantic coordination problem