💚 Corporate climate inertia and a gigantic coordination problem

We have an eventful month ahead of us! Next week, we will be speaking at the Sustainable Nordic Conference together with our climate research partner Sverker Jagers (we have VIP tickets up for grabs!). Also, we will finally be launching our diagnostic tool that helps companies to identify what is holding them back and how to overcome climate inertia. The following week, we invite you to Sverker's inaugural lecture at Uppsala University on the gigantic coordination problem of climate change and how it can be solved. Let's dive into it! 

Accelerate your net-zero transition

Don't miss out! On November 16th, Another Tomorrow will be joining the digital conference Sustainable Business Nordic to talk about how organisations can accelerate their net-zero transition. Together with climate researcher Sverker C. Jagers, our CEO Staffan Ekholm will present science-based insights and strategies for collective action and how to overcome climate inertia. 

The speaker session will be followed by an exclusive deep-dive session for a limited number of participants where we will present our tool for diagnosing the underlying causes of corporate climate inertia which has been developed together with leading climate researchers. The deep-dive is an exclusive demo of the tool before its official launch to show how it can be used to accelerate organisations' net-zero transition. 

Another Tomorrow has a few VIP tickets left that we'd love to give away to some of our most loyal readers (regular ticket price is 9000 SEK). Take this short quiz and we'll select the lucky winners at the beginning of next week. 
Inaugural lecture

"We need climate change leadership"

With recently being appointed Zennström professor in Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University, our climate research partner Sverker C. Jagers is about to give his inaugural lecture at the University. We are excited to forward the invitation to anyone interested and able to join on November 21st in Uppsala

"In this lecture, professor Sverker C. Jagers proceeds from the theory of social dilemmas and collective action to explain the origin of climate change and to discuss what is required to avoid this problem. He argues that basically, we are dealing with a gigantic coordination problem and due to the very large scale of the situation, it is not at all likely that contributing actors will change their behaviour, neither spontaneously nor voluntarily. Instead, the situation requires active guidance and help; that some take on the role as climate change leaders and either show the possibility of alternative route choices or contribute to necessary coordination through firmer steering"  

Download the official invitation here and click here to sign up (last day of registering is Nov 14th). We hope to see you there! 
AT Retreat

Planning for the future

We kickstarted this week with our first-ever team retreat at the cosy Siggesta GÃ¥rd! Following one of our own processes, we had the framing and discovery session last week, followed by the ideation phase on Monday.

For the framing session, our CEO Staffan shared about AT's vision, direction & goals, and also introduced AT's latest tool developed in collaboration with climate researchers (stay tuned!). Meanwhile, Head of Communications Linnéa shared about the importance of brand visibility and Head of Sustainable Impact Lisa spoke on our goals for growth.

At the retreat on Monday, we dived into ideating solutions for improving our sales process and plans for unveiling the tool that we've been working on for the past few months.
Besides work, our team also enjoyed some fantastic meals together, fun after-dinner games and an alpaca feeding experience. Here's what Linnéa had to say: "I've had such a good time, collaborating, ideating, discussing with all of you and am already looking forward to our next retreat!"
Interview feature

'Our greatest political novelist'

Have you heard about our book club? We’re currently reading Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future as suggested by Lisa, our Head of Sustainable Impact. In this interview with Farsight, Robinson discusses his contribution as a science fiction writer to climate change, the role of fiction in politics, the irrelevance of Mars and nature and the future.

One of his responses stood out to us: "So: nature? You are nature, nature is you. Natural is what happens. The word is useless as a divide, there is no Human apart from Nature, you have no thoughts or feelings without your body, and the Earth is your body, so please dispense with that dichotomy of human/nature, and attend to your own health, which is to say your biosphere’s health."

Read the full interview here

Stay safe and stay curious!
/ Linnéa & Team Another Tomorrow

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💚 Mapping organisations’ transition-capability


💚 Carbon Capture & Storage and a new (old) team member 👀