Love Letter #40


We hope you are safe! For many of us, it is difficult to continue our day-to-day in light of everything that's going on. At Another Tomorrow, we are trying to talk about our thoughts and feelings, be realistic, and give each other space to cope in the way that works best for us individually. We also want to share some news about a project we recently started working with and that is close to our hearts — empowering youth to create their idea of Utopia.
01 Utopia Lab — Empowering Youth 
The world is facing many great challenges that will soon be on today's youth to solve. It is a big mistake to not let young people into the rooms where decisions are being made right now, and that will have an effect on their future.

We need change!
Throughout spring, our long-time client Youth 2030, in collaboration with Fritid Helsingborg, will meet with over 300 of Helsingborg’s youth and engage them in workshops where they will have the opportunity to share challenges and problems they’re facing and that need to be addressed here and now.

But in order to really make a difference, we need to bring in both the business community and decision-makers eager to contribute and get involved in youth’s future.

(... and that's where you might come in, so read on!)
Click on the image to watch the Utopia Lab video.
Welcome to Utopia Lab at H22 City Expo
On June 16th, young people, the business community, and those in power will gather at a hackathon* to collaboratively develop Utopian Prototypes to challenges formulated by youth and the business community. Utopia Lab is a place where we accelerate visionary problem-solving and rethink companies' existing products and services in relation to youth’s expectations of a utopian future.

Day two of Utopia Lab (June 17th) will be an open exhibition and a celebration. Organisations and groups will be invited to showcase on-going initiatives targeting youth, innovations, as well as research and development. This will be a place for sharing ideas, getting youth’s eyes on it and learning about what today's young people need and want. 

What happens next?
During the autumn of 2022, the prototypes developed during Utopia Lab will be further developed by Youth 2030, the City of Helsingborg, the business community and youth with the ambition of realising and testing them in a life-size lab.
We are still looking for organisations who want to be a part of this! Do you want to engage with 200+ youth during two full days at H22 City Expo? You will have the opportunity to showcase your on-going R&D and innovations, collaborating with youth on prototyping Utopia and get an injection of inspiration plus lots more! Reach out to us to learn more

A hackathon is a happening focusing on creation and creativity in cross-disciplinary teams. Based on a clear brief and a session with a structured and playful design, a prototype will be created in a short time, with the aim to be taken further, tested and realised.
02 Curated by Another Tomorrow
> The latest IPCC report explained in under 7 minutes ⏰ 

This week, the second part of the IPCC report was released and it is pretty... grim. Nevertheless, there is still time to act. Our key take-aways:
  • The window of action is narrowing.
  • Climate change will affect everything and everyone, but not equally.
  • 1.5 degrees is what we need to stick to and every fraction of a degree matters.
  • Adaptation is less about what we do but how we do it.
  • “Maladaptive responses to climate change can create lock-ins of vulnerability, exposure and risk that are difficult and expensive to change and exacerbate existing inequalities”
Watch the video here. 

Make sure to take care of yourself and if you have the possibility to donate, Unicef and Akelius Foundation are doubling every donation between March 1st and April 8th. 

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!

/ Linnéa & Team Another Tomorrow

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Love Letter #41


Love Letter #39