Love Letter #39


In Love letter #39 we're introducing you to our newest team member who is strengthening Another Tomorrow's sustainability capacity in order to support more of our clients' net-zero transitions. Plus some great reading suggestions as per usual. Let's dive into it!
01 Newest team member
We're excited to introduce our newest team member, Michael Bohlin, who is joining us in our mission to support companies in their net-zero shift!

Michael is experienced in sustainability consulting and research, building on several previous years within finance. He joins Another Tomorrow as a Business Sustainability Analyst with a passion for transformative processes and science. He's already jumped into one of our key transformation projects with a logistics giant (which we can helpfully tell you more about soon). Outside of work, Michael is a keen cyclist and runner, with a lifelong ambition of mastering jazz improvisations on the guitar.

Need help with your company's net-zero transformation? Drop him an email here

We're still hiring for a Business Designer - read more here.
02 Curated by Another Tomorrow
> The Circular Economy Is Driving the Elevation of Repair Stores. Here's How.

As people demand longevity from their purchases, the market for clothing repairs is on the cusp of major growth. To instil a make-do-and-mend attitude in consumers, it’s time for retailers to build repair stations, DIY workshops and even the allure of inconvenience into their stores. Read more. 

> How To Skate

The Swedish speed skating world and Olympic record holder Nils van der Poel has shared his training schedule as an open source doc that can be downloaded by anyone on the internet. Pretty cool!

> Think Again Before Buying Roses

250 million roses are grown each year for Valentine's Day despite being in bloom from mid-spring to fall. Furthermore, rose pickers tend to be women who face more exploitative working conditions and wages than their male counterparts, and roses are treated heavily with chemicals. Instead of buying roses for next Valentine's, consider this sustainable alternative that you can even consume in various ways at the end of its lifespan!

Some love letters are shorter than others, we hope you still enjoyed it - Let us know here

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Love Letter #40


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