Love Letter #17


Today we'll introduce you to our favourite tools for remote collaboration & prototyping. And we've got two books on our wish list which we think you might like too. 
01 Remote Collaboration and Prototyping Tools 

The abundance of tools for remote work can be overwhelming. It's like sitting in a restaurant with a grumbling stomach and not being able to choose because the menu is just too big. The team behind Another Tomorrow has been testing a lot of them and have now put together a guide just for you. It's like the chef's recommendation. Enjoy!

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Let's start with the basics
'Can you see my screen?', 'You're on mute' - How often have you heard or said those words in the past year? Most of us have been using Teams, Zoom, Google Meet or Skype for our video calls but we'd also like to introduce you to MeetButter. We can't promise that you won't hear the same words but there are some great benefits with it!

Integrations: You can use a classic whiteboard directly in the tool and even share YouTube videos as well as Miro. No more jumping between different platforms!
Emoji reactions make your meetings more interactive with participants being able to choose between different emoji reactions. 

The queue: Participants have the opportunity to ask questions & share ideas that get put into a queue and can be attended to once the host opens up for discussion. 
Agenda: Set an agenda for everyone to follow throughout the meeting. 

Keep an eye out for Vowel
This video conferencing tool is not just for meetings but for remote collaboration as it's recording and transcribing your meetings, you can integrate it with other tools and it promises to be different than many of the other video tools. Do like us and get on the waitlist.

Remote Collaboration at Its Best
You probably know by now how much we love Miro but we're just going to tell you again. It's very intuitive so even people who've never used it before, can usually get the hang of it fairly quickly. We've used it for workshops with up to 270 people and it has never disappointed us (apart from one time where it actually was down while we were in the middle of a workshop, more about that here). UX Designer Carina made an explainer video a while back, take a look at it to learn more. 

Sneak peek into one of our workshops using Miro

Let's talk about prototyping
Our team of Creative Technologists shared with us their go-tos when prototyping new products and solutions which hopefully will be useful to you! 

Mmhmm: With mmhmm you can make interactive and fun video presentations, i.e. when sharing an idea or prototype with others. It can be integrated with other video meeting platforms for you to do live presentations in a much better way. Learn more about it here. 

Marvel: This tool is perfect for rapid prototyping, ideating, prototyping and collaborating. Plus, they have a generous free plan! 

Framer: It wouldn't be a guide without mentioning Framer, a tool for designing high-fidelity prototypes together with your team. Also check out their report State of Prototyping

Sketch: This tool has been around for a while but has recently introduced some collaborative tools so make sure to check it out

Don't Forget the Retrospective
After a big project it's very important to pause and reflect on what's been achieved, what was missing and learn how to improve for your next challenge. A tool we can recommend for retrospectives is MetroRetro. Why we like it? You can hide your post-it notes from other participants while writing them and then make them visible once you're about to look at them together. Plus, there are lots of templates to choose from. Try it! 

02 Reads 
> The Ideal City: Exploring Urban Futures
Research and Design Lab Space10 teamed up with gestalten to explore a better urban future for for all of humanity. It's definitely on our wish list! Learn more about it here. 

> The Manual of Design Fiction
Design Fiction as an approach to addressing the challenges facing today's organizations that the old PowerPoint and Post-it Design Processes simply do not address. It helps develop unique, compelling representations of your future that anticipate unforeseen consequences, de-risk bold decision making, and identify (and reveal) a range of possible-probable futures. Rather than predicting futures, Design Fiction is a way to explore the implications of your futures, and represent those implications through artefacts. Coming in 2021. 

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Team Another Tomorrow

Another Tomorrow helps organisations thrive in an uncertain world. Our mission is to create a better tomorrow through navigating the unknown together with our clients. Always with a prototyping mindset and proven processes that create impact and real change within the organisations we work with. 

Make sure your friends sign up to the love letter. 

Love Letter #18


Love Letter #16