Love Letter #16


This week's love letter gives you some insight into our work with Youth 2030, and how we're striving towards empowering the new generation. We've also got some more learnings & reflections from the team and Business Designer Ulrika is sharing her thoughts on prototyping, and how to use it in the most effective way. Happy reading!
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01 Tearing down obstacles between different generations

Since summer 2020, Another Tomorrow has been supporting Youth 2030 in empowering the next generation. We’ve helped the non-profit create processes and formats for youth between the age of 13 to 25 to become more involved in democratic processes, and establish structures for them to influence their local communities.

We’ve set up a series of ideation workshops and hackathons that initially were supposed to happen in a physical environment but have then been shifted to digital formats, for obvious reasons. 
Several workshops already took place during the autumn in order to gather insight into the local youth communities, and the hackathon series will kick off in February in Northern Sweden, bringing youth and decision-makers together to prototype solutions for their cities and neighbourhoods

At Another Tomorrow, we are firm believers in involving the people affected by change, and people representing a variety of perspectives, in the actual change processes. The type of future we create will be determined by who is allowed to partake in the creative process. In this case, the aim is to enable the younger generation to have an influence on the topics that will, or already do, affect them – be it local job opportunities, the availability of after-school activities or questions about mental health. 

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“We also believe it taps into learning curves for both groups. By facilitating a dialogue, decision-makers will hopefully better understand the needs and wishes of the youth in their municipality, and the youth better understand how to drive and effect the change they wish to see. And – that they will be taken seriously in doing so!” - says Head of Business Design and Project Lead Karin Wåhlberg

With the hackathons coming closer, the most recent activity was a facilitation course equipping the Youth 2030 team with the knowledge and tools they need to become confident future facilitators. The session – which happened just a few hours ago – entailed an introduction to digital tools such as Zoom, MeetButter and Miro, as well as training and exercises aimed at making them feel comfortable when facilitating big groups and sensitive topics. “Nice to see in action how the professionals are handling technical difficulties :) thank you for today!!” was some of the feedback we received from participant Frank. 

Follow Youth 2030 on Instagram and check out their website.

02 Learnings & Reflections

Another round of learnings & reflections by the team. This time short and sweet.

Daniele, Creative Technologist: 
2020: "Can you see my screen?" 
2021: "Can you see the person beyond the screen?" 

Joe, Creative Director: 
2020 reshaped the reality we exist in. 2021 is about shaping the reality we want to exist in. 

Tian, UX Design Intern: "2020 taught me how important self-leadership and structure is, especially when working from home. In 2021, I'm looking forward to having some outdoor team activities with my colleagues.

03 Reads 
> "Därför behöver du komma igång med prototyping"
Business Designer Ulrika Drougge talks about one of the key factors to businesses' survival and success: being agile and adapting to changes rapidly. Something that might be tough for bigger organisations that are stuck in bureaucratic processes and resist innovation or new ways of working. This is where prototyping comes in, especially visualised solutions that can be shared amongst key stakeholders in order to make thought-through decisions - fast. Find the article in Dagens Opinion here (behind a paywall) or e-mail Linnéa to get the full version. 

> Who designs today's systems that shape our tomorrow? 
If you haven't read the report from the fourth Tomorrow Club yet, download it here. 

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Team Another Tomorrow

Another Tomorrow helps organisations thrive in an uncertain world. Our mission is to create a better tomorrow through navigating the unknown together with our clients. Always with a prototyping mindset and proven processes that create impact and real change within the organisations we work with. 

Make sure your friends sign up to the love letter. 

Love Letter #17


Love Letter #15