đź’š Climate Action Update

Hej ,
It's a packed Climate Action update coming your way this week. The sign-up for our Climate Leadership Academy is live, with an Early Bird discount available if you snag one of the available slots for your team before June 30th. Also, our CEO Staffan and partner Sverker were interviewed by Aktuell HĂĄllbarhet, and last but not least – a recommended read about the green revolution. Grab a cooling ice cream and enjoy the read! 
Climate action

Climate Leadership Academy launched to the public

Image: Alfred Aloushy
Many companies have pledged to go net-zero, but lack dynamic transition activity moving them closer to their climate commitments. 

In response to this, we have opened up our Climate Leadership Academy – an action-oriented training equipping teams with scientific knowledge and practical skills.  Previously held with select partner companies, all organisations can now sign up for the autumn’s courses!

The month-long training empowers employees and provides them with a comprehensive understanding of transition challenges and opportunities, decentralises accountability for the transition, and enables greater corporate climate leadership. 

One of the world’s largest freight companies, DFDS, underwent our Climate Leadership Academy last month, and the course was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants:
“It was an amazing learning experience. A unique way to approach any topic and make colleagues come closer to each other. And most of all, a big win for DFDS with the outcome of the cases and the positive mindset of the people after such sessions.”  

– Jose Pressani, Business Development Manager, DFDS
As we officially open up registrations for autumn 2023, we're offering a 10% Early Bird discount for any bookings made before June 30th. A limited number of cohorts are available – don't miss the opportunity to enroll your organisation and accelerate your green transition.

Read more on the course page or book a Discovery Call with Lisa to find out more !
Climate Action

Interview in Aktuell HĂĄllbarhet: "Collaboration is Key"

Our CEO Staffan Ekholm and our partner Sverker Jagers were interviewed by Aktuell HĂĄllbarhet about our joint initiative to support companies in accelerating the green transition, combining science and practical experience into the tool TransitionView. The tool helps companies understand how to direct efforts and investments for their sustainability work to have real impact in reaching their goals.

"There are many tools available today for those who want to measure and report their emissions. But what we wanted to create is a tool that puts numbers on the organisational and behavioural changes required for a company to achieve its goals", says Staffan.

With new EU legislation expected to be introduced this year (ESRS) requiring companies to, amongst other things, disclose a transition plan for climate change mitigation – it's truly the time for all organisations to take a good look at their own transition capability and readiness for reaching the climate goals they've set.

Read the full article (in Swedish) on Aktuell HĂĄllbarhet (pay wall) or on our blog (for free!). If you want to find out more about how your company could work with TransitionView, reach out to Staffan!

Even in Texas, you can’t stop the green revolution

Image: Ibrahim Rayintakath
Last but not least, a recommended read from the New York Times Opinion section on how renewable energy supporters defeated fossil fuel supporters, by David Wallace-Wells. "Legislators friendly to the oil and gas business staged a desperate fight with the market — and lost", he writes, making the point that more frequently it is "fossil fuels flailing about for political lifelines to impede market forces", as opposed to renewables.
State representative Todd Hunter is singled out for his relentless focus on what impeding renewables could end up costing Texas consumers. Wells illustrates how recent history has shown that undermining green energy will lead to higher energy bills and slower economic growth, thus echoing the point made in our last newsletter: that not leaning in to the green transition also comes at a cost.

Read the full opinion piece here.

Stay safe and stay curious! 
/ Karin & Team Another Tomorrow

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Arla Hack: Rethinking Breakfast


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