💚 Democratic enablers and a new generation of creatives

Here comes an update-heavy love letter which we're very excited about! We're inviting you to a hackathon on democracy and youth as well as a discussion on the world's largest climate perception survey featuring Sverker Jagers. AT continues to collaborate with Hyper Island, this time on an exciting H&M brief... and a lot more, let's dive into it!


Become a democratic enabler

We shouldn't take democracy for granted. It's important that we use our right to vote, participate and shape our democracy going forward. Equally important is to invite younger generations, make their voices heard and listen to them — ensuring that democracy will prevail. Luckily, we get to work with some of the boldest minds who are pushing for youth's democratic involvement daily, Youth 2030 Movement. 

In the past year, we* have been exploring, discussing, ideating, prototyping and testing solutions for how to involve young people in local democratic processes and make their voices heard.  

*Youth 2030, Glappet Analysbyrå, the municipalities Munkfors and Falköping, Another Tomorrow - funded by Sweden's innovation agency Vinnova

Now, it's time to dig into responsibility, rights, and why youth are often excluded from democracy. We are excited to invite you to join the hackathon on December 1st at Samverket in Stockholm and help us make democracy more inclusive. 

Drop us an email if you're interested. Psst, there's a limited number of spots so be quick!


A new generation of creatives

Another Tomorrow has delivered another successful workshop together with Hyper Island. This time for 52 first-year students who just embarked on their adventure within the program Digital Media Creative. We chatted to our Creative Director Joe and Creative Technologist Daniele about the outcome of the workshop, the brief provided by the client and how to prototype fast. 

Joe, tell us about the workshop.
The title of the workshop was ‘How to Solve the Brief in 1 Day’ and the students had just received an ambitious sustainability brief from their client H&M. Our role was to help them go from inertia to action, from existential dread to a bunch of tangible prototypes. Daniele and I dug into our design-thinking-and-doing toolbox to get them through a rapid cycle of the SLING process. The outcome were 10 prototypes covering important themes from gender politics and circular economy to the role of AI in fashion production.
"Do not fear taking action as thoughts and ideas only get you so far. You really only grow when you 'do' and try your ideas." 
— One of the students on how the session affected them
Daniele, can you explain the prototyping phase? 
We started off with introducing Dall-E in the Ideation phase. It was a first to use this tool in a workshop, even for us. Dall-E is an AI-based image generator based on the words you feed it with (try it, it’s fun and unbelievable). Those images were then used for the final prototype video and for the students to showcase their ideas. The teams got to show different sides of their creativity using voice-overs, acting, paper prototypes and what not to make their ideas come to life. 

Amazing! What are your main takeaways? 
It’s promising to see bold sustainability ambitions from H&M and creative climate ideas from the students. It’s at the intersection of curiosity, commitment and collaboration that real change is enabled. 

Drop Joe an e-mail if your organisation needs an injection of inspiration!


Our oceans and global warming

Did you know that the Artic is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the globe?

In this video by Google Earth, you can observe how global warming has affected our oceans since 1984. Showcasing countries such as Greenland, USA and the UK to Japan, it highlights how sea levels are rising 3.6mm per year, which is the fastest rate this century. 

Seeing how our oceans have evolved over the years also warns us that if the current rate of global warming stays constant, the rise in sea levels will affect 800 million people by 2050.

However, all is not lost yet. According to Professor Jonathan Gregory, "sea-level rise might be inevitable, but this should not lead us to inaction." It's not too late to take action!

Drop Staffan an email to find out more about how we help companies overcome inaction to achieve net zero


Gaming and the climate?

This afternoon, UNDP Sverige and the Gothenburg Natural History Museum will be hosting a discussion around climate action and findings from the world's largest climate perception survey.

With 1.2 million respondents, the survey is the largest survey conducted on public opinion towards climate change. It was spread through mobile gaming networks, resulting in opinions from 50 countries covering 56% of the world’s population.

One of the event speakers is none other than our partner, climate researcher Sverker Jagers! Join the conversation later today (at the museum or livestream) as they discuss questions such as "What implications could the results have for climate policies globally and in Sweden?" and "What can we learn from the innovative way the study was made?"

More details here!

One more thing ☝️

We updated our privacy policy!

We know what you're thinking... booooring! But, we actually drafted this one so that it can be read and understood by regular humans and not just your cousin's friend who studied Law. If you're a bit of a nerd like André (our own privacy maestro), go on and have a read here. And of course, if you have any concerns or simply don't agree with it do not hesitate to reach out to the privacy maestro.

Stay safe and stay curious!
/ Linnéa & Team Another Tomorrow

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Manifesting hope: The direction from here is our responsibility.


💚 Going purpose over going public