Love Letter #5

We believe in another tomorrow 
2020 has been the most radically uncertain year in living memory. We must leverage this as an opportunity for progressive change. As Leslie Dwight wrote, maybe 2020 hasn’t been cancelled. Maybe it is the wake up call the world needs. So within this worldwide whirlwind of social distancing and societal activism, are we getting to the bones of what it is to be human? We hope so. 
Via Instagram.

Another Tomorrow is not just another company name. It’s a statement of optimism that through passionate collaboration, creativity and action we can create a better world together - for everyone. 

We will not stay silent

We stand beside our fellow humans in solidarity with the #BlackLivesMatter movement and racial injustices across the world. Today we are dedicating the newsletter to critical information to help us, and you, understand and take action to (hopefully) make a change.

We recognise the incredible disparity between individuals across the globe. We understand our role in the machine. We can’t solve everything but we can take action for what we believe in. We recognise the humanitarian injustices that have articulated our human history, that current events aren’t in isolation, yet that silence is inaction and if this joint force is kept up, real change has a bigger chance to happen.

So, let's seize this moment for research, reflection and action. We have mainly been collecting information around the movement in Sweden as we believe that in order to make a change, we need to start within our own network and country. 

01 Watch
“Whose voice gets to be heard? The human condition is ever changing and I believe as a society we can be even richer by allowing various voices a chance to share alternative perspectives we may not be aware of" - Lovette Jallow is a writer, speaker, entrepreneur and activist within anti-racism, xenophobia and white privilege.
Find her website here.

Let's use this upcoming weekend to watch some educational films on Netflix: 
> When They See Us
> Miss Simone
> 13th 
> Age of Rage 
> Who Killed Malcolm X 
> Self Made 
> She's Gotta Have It 
> Dear White People
See You Yesterday 
> American Son
02 Listen
> 'Raseriet' är samtalspodden där kusinerna Amie och Fanna avverkar ämnen som är kopplade till populärkultur, relationer och rasism. // A podcast on pop culture, relationships and racism by Amie Bramme Sey & Fanna Ndow Norrby. 

> 'Kan vi prata om vithet' En podd om vithet, maktstrukturer och hur alla som vill kan vara möjliggörare av förändring. // On whiteness, power structures and how everyone who's willing to change something has the opportunity to do it. By Lovisa Fhager Havdelin & Barakat Ghebrehawariat. 

> '1619' In August of 1619, a ship carrying more than 20 enslaved Africans arrived in the English colony of Virginia. America was not yet America but this was the moment it began. No aspect of the country that would be formed here has been untouched by the 250 years of slavery that followed. New York Times audio series hosted by Nikole Hannah-Jones. 

> 'Vidga Normen' är ett projekt som hjälper organisationer att skapa jämlikhet på jobbet och att motverka diskriminering genom aktiva åtgärder. Detta är den tillhörande podden. // This podcast is part of the project 'Vidga Normen' that helps organisations to create equality at work and to fight against discrimination through action-based arrangements. 
The projected is supported by Länsstyrelsen and funded by the European Social Fund. Produced by Aya Zemzem Mohammed, Fatema Vanat & Mona Nechma. 

> Röster om Black Lives Matter Svensk- och engelsktalande poddavsnitt som utbildar & handlar om BLM, strukturell rasism och historien bakom. // Swedish and English podcast episodes on BLM, systemic racism and the history behind it.
03 Read
> Slumpens Barn. "En dag gjorde jag en lista över alla svenskgambier jag känner till. Det tog bara några minuter att komma upp i ett hundratal. Jag bestämde mig för att ta reda på mer om det där som alltid varit diffust i mitt liv, relationen mellan Sverige och Gambia. Om dem som är en del av den. Och oss som är en produkt av den" - A book on the relationship between Sweden and Gambia and the people who are part if it as well as the ones who are a product of it, written by Amat Levin. 
> Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad: A 28-Day Challenge to Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor leads readers through a journey of understanding their white privilege and participation in white supremacy, so that they can stop (often unconsciously) inflicting damage on black, indigenous and people of color, and in turn, help other white people do better, too. The book goes beyond the original workbook by adding more historical and cultural contexts, sharing moving stories and anecdotes, and includes expanded definitions, examples, and further resources.
> Vit, svart eller brun. En handbok som visar hur man kan arbeta främjande för inkludering, med avseende på hudfärg, på arbetsplatsen. Den är en hjälp för både organisationer som är beredda att leva upp till lagen genom att arbeta inkluderande kring hudfärg och för alla som är nyfikna och bara vill lära sig mer. Handboken är framtagen inom projektet 'Vidga normen', som är finansierat av Europeiska socialfonden. // A handbook that helps organisations that are ready to live up to the laws to be more inclusive regarding skin color and for everyone who's curious and wants to learn more. 

> Anti-Black Racism and Discrimination in the Labour Market. A report on the differences between Afro-Swedes and the rest of the population in terms of gross salary, disposable income, and career opportunities on the Swedish labour market. 
04 Follow
> Vardagsrasismen 
> Raserietpodden 
Amie Bramme Sey
> Fanna Ndow Norrby 
> Lovette Jallow, Action For Humanity
> Barakat "Bino" Ghebrehawariat
> Teskedsorden 
Svart historia
And its English version: Panafrican history
05 Act
We can show support and solidarity in so many ways and educating ourselves is one of those. Another one is protesting. For instance, the 'Afrosvenskarnas Riksorganisation', 'Stop Afrophobia' and 'Afrosvenskarnas Forum För Rättvisa' organised a digital protest together with the activist Aysha Jones (read about it here). There are also many on-going protests on America's and Europe's streets. Please bear in mind to wear a face mask and don't participate if you're not feeling well. 
If you can, donate. There are both local and international organisations and funds that need our help and even the smallest amount can make a difference. Another Tomorrow has decided to support Lovette Jallow's organisation
'Action for Humanity'

Of course, this is just a small amount of resources that are out there and we urge each one of you to continue doing your own research and keep on learning. Because as activist Angela Davis put it, "In a racist society it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.”

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Team Another Tomorrow

Another Tomorrow is a futures agency that helps organisations thrive in an uncertain world. We help organisations navigate and create a better future by systemising the exploration of the unknown. We bring perspectives together, facilitate change, and prototype what lies ahead.


Love Letter #6


Love Letter #4