Love Letter #38


First of all, we've gotten through January and we are slowly, slowly transitioning to a lighter and warmer time of the year. Today, we're talking net-zero transitions, Generation Z and a reminder that Another Tomorrow is hiring. Let's do this! 
01 Net-zero transition: What does it cost and what does it bring?
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We recently came across McKinsey's report on the fundamental economic transformation needed for net-zero transition by 2050. It estimates that US$9.2 trillion need to be invested annually to limit global temperatures rising to 1.5°C — that is US$3.5 trillion more than today and equivalent to half of global corporate profits.

But more importantly, it comes with a lot of opportunities. The transition would prevent the increase of physical climate risks and reduce the chances of initiating the most catastrophic effects of climate change. Also, it would bring growth opportunities as decarbonisation creates efficiencies and opens markets for low-emissions products and services, according to the report. 

Another Tomorrow's Head of Business Design, Karin Wåhlberg, also wrote an article on the net-zero transition and what it can bring for those who dare to make the move. Let's look at the net-zero economy in numbers:
  • By 2030, the net-zero transition is predicted to contribute an additional US$26 trillion to the global economy compared to business as usual.
  • In comparison, the size of the world’s largest economy, the United States, was worth US$21.5 trillion in 2019. 
  • The potential value of climate-related business opportunities is almost seven times higher than the cost of realising these opportunities.
"The net-zero transition represents a growing market, accelerated by demands from consumers, new technology, and governmental regulations. By seizing opportunities early, businesses can bring new products and services into the market, be well prepared for regulatory changes, improve their resource efficiency, and engage investors with confidence. If you’re not an early mover, markets may instead close off to you as competitors start to undercut your business" — read the full article here.
02 Reminder: Another Tomorrow is hiring
We’ve been prototyping the future since 2015 for some of the world’s most innovative companies, helping them become future-ready. We’re now hiring for a Business Designer to take our clients’ transformations to the next level
You are:
Design x Business: You thrive at the intersection of strategy and creativity, unlocking potential and accelerating our clients’ ambition with strategic rigour and a solution-oriented mindset.
Skilled and experienced: Perhaps you're ready to jump from a big ship into an agile speedboat, energised by versatility and hands-on projects.
A leader, mentor and team-player comfortable taking teams and clients beyond their comfort zones and guiding them into the future. You know that change is hard, but the only worthwhile pursuit if you want to make a real difference. 
Fluent in Swinglish: Can work seamlessly with both Swedish and English clients.

We are:
Independent in thought and ownership: visionary doers in command of our own destiny.
Cross-disciplinary: Our team spans from creative tech to climate economics to business design.
International + agile: 5 nationalities, 7 languages working from our Stockholm studio and solving problems across the globe.  
Climate focused: We are taking this existential threat of climate change head-on in our day to day, for our clients, ourselves and our grandchildren.

Could this be you (or someone you know)? Apply via LinkedIn!
We can't wait to hear from you ✨
03 Curated by Another Tomorrow
> Generation Z 2022

As we're working on a very exciting project with Youth 2030 Movement this year, we are always on the lookout for insights, reports and information about youth. Ungdomsbarometern recently published a report on Sweden's Generation Z (15-24 year olds) and how they're experiencing the world today. Topics they touch upon amongst others is the effects of the pandemic, education and career opportunities, priorities in youth's day-to-day as well as mental and physical health. Check it out here

Seeing this for the first time? Sign up to the love letter here.

We are hiring!


Love Letter #37