Love Letter #35


As many of us are heading towards the holidays and this is the last love letter of the year, we'd like to take a moment to reflect. We encourage you to do the same! Cherish your achievements and clap yourself on the shoulder because let's be honest, we all deserve it.  
01 Our favourite moments of 2021
It's been an eventful year for the team at Another Tomorrow. As many others, the pandemic did affect us and we had to make some difficult decisions. But it has also taught us a lot about us as individuals, as a team, and as a brand. We've pivoted into the climate action field and are thrilled to collaborate with two of Europe's leading climate researchers to focus on the most important change the world is facing. In the new year, we're looking forward to working on critical challenges together with some of the most progressive organisations in Sweden and beyond. But before we do that, we'd like to take a moment to reflect on some of our milestones in 2021 and thank all of you who've been a part of this past year. Let's get into it! 
Photo: Emma Grann
Youth 2030 Movement — Fighting for youth's involvement in democracy
We've had the pleasure to work with the team at Youth 2030 Movement for a couple of years now and are very excited that we were granted a Vinnova funding to continue working with these important challenges in 2022. Together with Youth, Glappet and the municipalities Munkfors and Falköping, we'll be focusing on youth's rights and democracy involvement in Sweden's rural areas. Read more here
Photo source
Region Västmanland — Rolling out the new research and innovation strategy
Throughout the Autumn, we were tasked with supporting Region Västmanland in rolling out their new research and innovation strategy. As a first step, we conducted interviews with managers of the hospitals and care providers in order to understand how innovation is a part of their daily work and what challenges they're facing in this area. From the insights, the region now has a clearer understanding of what should be prioritised in order to improve the existing healthcare system for both workers and patients. 
Climate Action
As you probably know by now, we've established a partnership with climate researchers Åsa Löfgren and Sverker Jagers to be able to support companies with their sustainability strategies, climate ambitions and eventually, to stay relevant in the net-zero economyRe-watch the COP26 Explained series here to learn more about the Glasgow climate summit and reach out to us if you'd like to talk more about how we can help you!
Cedergrenska Education — Building a smooth communications solution 
During Spring and Summer, we worked with Cedergrenska Education to build a well-functioning and smooth communications system for their 11 schools, focusing on different user groups such as teachers, IT service and the maintenance team. The system which was piloted in two schools throughout Autumn is now being used across several schools, with more of them about to be on-boarded. 
Wise Group — Project & stakeholder management throughout a complex transaction
From late September until the end of the year, Business Designer Ulrika assisted Wise Group with project and stakeholder management in driving activities necessary to fullfil the conditions precedent established in a Sales and Purchase Agreement. Methods applied were a combination of traditional Waterfall Project Management with weekly steering group report meetings in parallel with Agile Methodology for the project group and all operational activities, including planning and execution of the highly complex technical part of the project. This enabled quick decision making, necessary knowledge sharing and tight communication. Reach out to Ulrika to learn more 
PostNord — Gamification and better navigation
For the past 3,5 years, Another Tomorrow has been a partner to Sweden's national postal service PostNord, working on improving their customer experience, reducing the number of undelivered parcels and providing employees with the right tools. In the past year, our Creative Tech team has been focusing on upgrading and improving the system we built back in 2018, from backend to frontend, which is now much faster thanks to the implementation of a modern framework. The system itself measures KPIs, number of parcels, as well as customer and employee satisfaction of every terminal nation-wide.

As the system is already established in the whole country, the focus in the past 12 months has been on gamification, smoother navigation and making it a more user-friendly application. The team used even more data to improve the experience and understand the users who were handling higher volumes and couldn't be reached in the usual way due to the pandemic. The application is now blazing fast, more reliable and more secure!
Hyper Island — Collaboration across the hallway
Another Tomorrow is not just lucky enough to have Hyper Island as neighbours in the same building but we've also had the pleasure to collaborate on several projects throughout the year.

Fostering bottom-up innovation
Since June 2021, we've been working with Accenture Interactive to foster and encourage bottom-up innovation within their organisation and to strengthen their internal culture. Using different communications tools such as a monthly innovation newsletter spotlighting change makers from within, giving them a platform to share their ideas and expertise, followed by a monthly call with external speakers and a chance to collaborate across teams and borders. Lastly, we've established an online community of over 400 people, working at Accenture Interactive, who share ideas, thoughts and references related to the monthly topic and have the opportunity to engage with like-minded people across the globe. 

Tailored courses for organisations 
Together with Hyper Island, we created a 4-week training course to accelerate sustainable innovation for a strategic cross-disciplinary team at logistics giant DFDS. The group was working in different learning cycles, rich with practical tools to enable collaboration, identify new opportunities and prototype ideas towards a net-zero future. We jacked in to on-going projects and strategies within the organisation to accelerate the way their teams think and act with climate at the front and centre. Want to learn more? Reach out to Joe 

If you're interested in other projects we do or would like to get a better understanding of our offering, please reach out - we'd love to talk more over a coffee or lunch in 2022!
Happy holidays to all of you! 

Until next year, stay safe and stay curious!

/ Linnéa & Team Another Tomorrow

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