Love Letter #32


We have a very special love letter coming your way. Staffan and Joe are sharing their thoughts on our future in a personal letter, dedicated to all the change-makers out there. Plus, we can finally reveal the first video of our COP26 Explained series together with leading climate experts, Åsa Löfgren and Sverker Jagers. Don't miss out!
01 A Letter From Staffan & Joe
For us, Another Tomorrow is not just a name, it's a bold ambition for a better future. We have built a cross-disciplinary team dedicated to solving the world's most pressing issues, successfully helping organisations navigate uncertainty and solve complex challenges from environmental waste issues, future customer experiences, democracy among youth, redesigning culture, and the future of work. We can continue to iterate  but that's not in our DNA. Because today's most pressing challenge, climate change, requires a different level of focus and action.

It is our view that the inability to mitigate the warming of the planet is mankind's most consequential failure. And the problem is not caused from lack of scientific insights but rather our individual and collective inability to act on what is all too well known. Individuals, citizens, consumers, companies, and countries demand change. But for various reasons we seem to be blocked, we are simply not doing enough to turn things around. And while seemingly illogical, the reasons are very human. We perceive our own impact as insignificant, we lack trust in that others will pitch in as much as we are and we're experiencing the effects too slowly to act persistently. The effect of this is disastrous. But we need to remind ourselves that:

No action is insignificant.
We are all role models.
In building trust, we are all contagious.
And time is limited.
Read the entire letter on our blog.
Reach out to us to talk about climate action 
02 Let's Get Into COP26
Finally we can reveal our brand new video series COP26 Explained together with Åsa Löfgren and Sverker Jagers. We asked the questions, they had the answers, explaining these complex matters related to the climate conference in a very tangible way and making it easier to grasp. Just in time for day one of the summit (Oct 31st), we kick off this series with the question "What is COP26?" and will be releasing more content in the upcoming weeks. Make sure to follow us on YouTube, Instagram or LinkedIn to not miss out on any of the videos. 
Click here to watch the full video on YouTube.
About Åsa & Sverker
Åsa Löfgren is Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at the University of Gothenburg. She's an expert in the area of climate economics and more specifically, with a focus on climate change and behavioural economics. Her interest is in the effect and design of policy instruments, fairness, and industrial investment behaviour, such as companies' carbon-reduction investment behaviour in response to climate strategies. 

Sverker Jagers is a Professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg, and the director of CeCAR (Centre for Collective Action Research). His research is mainly focused on various aspects of environmental politics such as Public Opinion, Political Theory, International Politics, and Institutional Theory. Within these areas, his interest lies in people's environmental behaviour and acceptance of policy measures, issues related to climate justice, as well as climate politics, ocean acidification and fishery. 

SAVE THE DATENov 24th we're hosting the next (hybrid) Tomorrow Club together with Åsa and Sverker, deep-diving into what they observed during COP26, what happens now and what we as a collective need to do. Don't miss it! 

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Linnéa & Team Another Tomorrow

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COP26 Explained


A letter from our leadership